Chemical Peels


Chemical peeling involves the application of a chemical solution to the skin.

The solution then penetrates into the deeper layers of skin to remove unwanted cells and allow for the production of fresh collagen and skin cells.

This results in improvements in texture, dark spots, and fine lines.


What are the different types of chemical peels?

  1. Superficial chemical peels: penetrate the epidermis only which is the top layer of skin

  2. Medium chemical peels: penetrate the epidermis and superficial dermis (second layer of skin)

  3. Deep chemical peels: penetrate the epidermis and both the superficial and deep dermis

The deeper the chemical peel, the more redness and peeling that occurs (but also the more results). 

Chemical peels can be used to treat:

Dr. Isabela Jones is a board-certified dermatologist with fellowship training in cosmetic dermatology. Contact our office to schedule a consultation with her.