

Acne affects both sexes from teenage years to adulthood. In fact, acne affects 80% of the population, making it the most common skin condition in the United States. Dr. Jones herself battled cystic acne as a teenager. This experience drove her into the field of dermatology to help patients decrease the psychological burden of acne and prevent scarring. 

Acne can appear on the face, neck, chest, shoulders, back, and even buttocks. The lesions themselves appear as blackheads, white heads, bumps, pustules, cysts, and nodules.

At Virginia Square Dermatology, we will take a detailed history of your lifestyle habits and previous treatments, and conduct a thorough examination to determine the type of acne you have. This will help us determine an individualized treatment plan.


Causes of acne?

  • Hormones (especially testosterone and progesterone) stimulating oil glands

  • Genetic predisposition

  • Dietary factors: refined sugars, skim-milk, whey protein, fatty foods

  • Pore-clogging factors: hair products, occlusion, friction, sweat 

  • Overgrowth of bacteria or yeast (fungal acne)

  • Stress 

  • Certain medications 

Why treat acne?

The presence of acne can affect a person’s self-esteem and confidence. It has also been associated with depression and anxiety. 

Additionally, untreated acne can lead to scarring, which is more difficult and expensive to treat.

Treatments of acne

The treatment of acne has to be tailored to each individual. 

  1. Lifestyle modifications

  2. Topical washes and creams containing: salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, glycolic acid, retinols, sulfur sulfacetamide

  3. Oral medications: antibiotics, spironolactone, birth control pills, isotretinoin (accutane)

  4. Procedures: acne extractions, chemical peels, photodynamic therapy 

Dr. Isabela Jones is an expert in treating acne and acne scarring. Contact our office to schedule a consultation with her.