Double Chin


A “double chin” can appear when there is accumulation of fat on the upper neck, known as the submental area.

Extra fatty tissue in this part of the body is related to genetics, weight gain, and aging.

During a cosmetic consultation, Dr. Isabela Jones will conduct a thorough examination of this area to determine the best approach to decreasing the appearance of a double chin.


How can a double chin be treated? 

Your neck, jawline, and chin will be examined to determine the location of the fat. We will assess your bone structure and any signs of skin laxity (loose skin). If needed, we may also recommend addressing lost bone structure and loose skin. The most common treatments used to reduce fat in the submental area are: 

  • Kybella injections

  • Coolsculpting

  • Tumescent liposuction

Dr. Isabela Jones is a board-certified dermatologist with fellowship training in cosmetic and laser dermatology. She has years of experience in treating fat accumulation under the chin. Contact our office to schedule a consultation with her.